Gurbani Santhya
Every Sikh is encouraged to learn to read Gurbani in Gurmukhi because it is the script in which the Guru Granth Sahib, the eternal Guru of the Sikhs, is written. Learning to read Gurbani in its original form allows direct access to the wisdom and teachings of the Gurus without relying on translations or interpretations, which can sometimes dilute or alter the meaning. Gurmukhi preserves the poetic rhythm, nuances, and spiritual vibrations of Gurbani, enhancing the connection with the divine message.

Gurbani Santhya refers to the systematic learning and correct pronunciation of Gurbani. It ensures that Sikhs recite the sacred verses accurately, respecting the linguistic and phonetic integrity of the script. Accurate pronunciation is vital as Gurbani’s sound and rhythm are considered spiritually powerful and contribute to the meditative experience.
Every Sikh is encouraged to take Gurbani Santhya because it deepens their understanding of the teachings and nurtures a personal connection with the Guru. It enhances spiritual discipline, making daily prayers (Nitnem) more meaningful and impactful. Moreover, Gurbani Santhya fosters a collective spiritual heritage, ensuring that the knowledge is passed down correctly to future generations. By learning Gurmukhi and engaging in Santhya, Sikhs honor their traditions, build a stronger spiritual foundation, and draw closer to Waheguru.